One revolution is recorded, i.e. a maximum of 4,194,304 steps.
With the CANopen safety protocol, both the position value and the speed value (SRDO – Safety Relevant Data Object) are compliant with the requirements of SIL2. The values of the redundant system are compared with each other and checked for plausibility. If the check is positive, the output is normal and bit-inverted.
Extensive checks using CRC, timing monitoring, voltage monitoring, etc. enable the output of reliable position and speed values. The speed value can be parameterised via the gate time (1 to 1000 ms) depending on the application. In the event of an error, error logs (emergency logs) are output and an error list is created. The target function is to switch to a safe state in the event of an error. This is also referred to as the functional safety of the encoder.
The position and speed values (PDO – Process Data Object) are output via the CANopen protocol.